

Just added to ArlieFindsVintage...
The dress I received in a trade not too long ago.
I adore it but on second thought, it will probably just hang in my closet.
The backpack is awesome! If I hadn't just bought a new Baggu, I'd be toting it around all summer. 


danielle and dinosaur toes said...

awesome, awesome. and when i saw that dress i thought, "wait, i remember seeing that dress not too long ago!" i do that with vintage, too. i get it thinking it's awesome, but never end up wearing it (i actually have a stack like that right now that i just can't make myself get rid of).

Leora said...

whoa i totally have that backpack! xo

Bonjour Johanna said...

I have the same backpack, the only difference, the patterns are black & white, its the first time I see it with colors, it's nice too.